Preservation Alert: 201 W Jones Street & Civic Center
PRESERVATION ALERT: Frivolous Appeal by 201 W. Jones at the ZBA, and Savannah Civic Center Decision at City Council, Both on Thursday June 27, 2024
This Thursday at 10:00 AM at 112 East State Street, the Savannah Zoning Board of Appeals will hear an appeal of the denial of a COA for an inappropriate addition to 201 West Jones St. (images above). The COA was rightly denied by the Historic District Board of Review in part because it failed the visual compatibility test (one of three tests). Nonetheless, the applicant appealed, arguing that it meets a third test - the design standards. The appeal is frivolous and should not have been permitted, because even if the petitioner prevails on arguments about the design standards, the petitioner still will not have met the visual compatibility standards that must be met for a COA to issue. Please send a letter to Edward Morrow ( at the MPC stating that "The appeal by 201 West Jones Street must be denied because the petitioner cannot meet its burden of proof."
Also on Thursday, June 27 at 2:00 PM, City Council will meet to vote on the three options for the Civic Center Site. Only option 2 allows for a new theatre at another location and the full restoration of the Oglethorpe Plan across the entirety of the site. If you agree with option 2, please sign our petition at
Andrew Berrien Jones
Chair, Oglethorpe Plan Coalition, Inc.