Petition: Restoration of Oglethorpe Plan at Civic Center Site

Preservation Alert:

Demand the Restoration of the Oglethorpe Plan at Savannah's Civic Center Site

Restoring the Oglethorpe Plan across the entire Savannah's Civic Center site is an important initiative that the City must undertake now.

The Oglethorpe Plan is what makes Savannah unique. It is a masterpiece of urban planning and still works today, almost 300 years after it was designed. It has international significance, having been influenced by the city planning principles of the great Roman architect Vitruvius, whose works Oglethorpe had studied.

Many of us who treasure the historic City of Savannah believe that what makes Savannah truly unique is its Oglethorpe Plan  - the pleasing pattern of streets, lanes and squares dating as far back as 1733. The Oglethorpe Plan is not just a blueprint; it is the heart and soul of Savannah. 

The 20th century Civic Center site did not adhere to this historic plan and represents the worst of 1960s urban renewal, bulldozing multiple blocks of historic buildings and street patterns. This act of destruction was an attack on the character of the city, disrupting its aesthetic harmony and undermining our city's rich historic and cultural identity.

The City of Savannah should take action to restore the Oglethorpe Plan across the entire Civic Center site, including all the original streets and lanes and the lost square. By doing so, it would reestablish the unique urban landscape that is central to our identity.  

On the other hand, renovating the outdated Johnny Mercer Theatre represents an expensive short term solution. There are a multitude of locations within the City where a new theatre could be built which would serve the City better over the long term.

This petition requests our local government to honor Savannah’s historical legacy by restoring the original Oglethorpe Plan in its entirety at the Civic Center site in time for Savannah's 300th birthday in 2033 and to locate the theatre in a more appropriate location.


Andrew Berrien Jones 

Chair, Oglethorpe Plan Coalition, Inc. 


Preservation Alert: 201 W Jones Street & Civic Center


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